Monotony & Drudgery


Day in day out, same old same old. Cleaning, folding, teaching, shopping, another Monday came and went, when will the monotony end? When will the drudgery of life as a mom and older sister end? We do the same things every week every day all year! What does it matter if we do it happily or sorrowfully?
IT MATTERS A LOT! Time and life will not wait. It is happening now. Your kids will look to you for life’s example. What will you show them? I remember as a little girl wanting to do everything and anything my mommy did. But then as I turned a little older I saw how she treated life at home as a “chore” (so to speak) as a burden. I didn’t want to be a MOM! Why would I? It did not look fun. But my moms life changed dramatically when I was about 14. And when she changed I CHANGED! We both saw homemaking in a whole new light and perspective. When you see life and home as a blessing your kids/siblings will too! Yes, we still have work, the same schedule, the same tasks everyday. But what we choose to do with the time and tasks we have been given is what will matter. The little moments, the little hugs and kisses, the little happy things that make life and everything around us more meaningful only happen when we have the right attitude, perspective, and vision! What are you living for? Being sorrowful or frustrated won’t change anything (except to dampen things around you). Being cheerful and accepting of what life offers will make a world of difference!!!


A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance,
But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. Proverbs 15:13

Monday Again?

monday's flowers

Monday’s flowers (Photo credit: Greg Timm)

“Sigh. It’s Monday. Again.” Honestly, I’ve never understood that statement. Monday to me is beautiful. Monday is a day of beginnings. Maybe I had a terrible week last week. The Lord gives me a Monday to try again. It could be that over the weekend I was grumpy, grouchy, and rude to my family. And so the Lord gives me another Monday, to begin fresh. Maybe it’s Monday. Maybe I ignored my alarm clock and slept in way too late. Maybe I forgot to do that task I was supposed to do. But maybe Monday isn‘t over yet. Maybe even though it’s noon, I can still start again. I can still begin my week with joy.  I see all these posts on Facebook – “Grrr, Monday” – and my heart breaks because these people haven’t learned the art of embracing new beginnings. What if instead of complaining we started to say, “Thank you, Lord, for another chance to start again!”