Can I Really Trust God With My Future?

“If I do things my way I will be happy. I can’t trust God with something like this!”

“God’s ways are too religious for me, I need to make things happen my way or else I won’t be happy.”

“Only I know what I need. My future is my problem. Jesus can just come along with me for when I need help.”

“This is too precious a thing to trust God with.”

All of these statements are made from people who have distrust in their hearts. God’s power and sovereignty is not real to them. They think they know what is best for them-they know what will make them happy, they know how to get it and they do it on their own terms without God. Sometimes, Christian girls (and men) have things in their lives that they are not willing to relinquish even though they know it goes against what God wants for them.

They think God doesn’t want what they want. They don’t know His motives, (no one does) so they don’t trust that He will make them happy.

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How Do I Know He’s the ONE?

How Do I Know He's the ONE?

Have you ever wondered what true, lasting love looks and feels like? Maybe you are in a relationship that you think is not “living up to its true potential”. Maybe you need an example of real love to know if this is the guy for you; if he is the one that God has called you to marry.

We know that no one is perfect but don’t let that be your excuse to stay in a relationship with someone who might not be the one for you. Here are just a few ways that you should be able to tell that this man truly, really loves you like Christ loved the church.

I believe everyone has one great love in their life; an unexplainable, undeniable, unrepeatable love that can only fall short of the ONE greatest act of true love that this world will ever witness (Jesus’ sacrifice of His life for yours). The man who captures your heart will know you and will know your soul and he will love every single thing about you.

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Letting Go of Pain and Suffering

Letting Go of Pain and Suffering

When we look around at the circumstances of people in the world today, we discover that there is a vast amount of suffering and pain being endured. Many different people struggle with many different types of suffering. Hospitals are full of horrible diseases and injuries, parents are getting divorces, babies are being aborted, war is raging, people are being sold into slavery, drug abuse and alcoholism is affecting more and more people and the list goes ever on and on.

People are hurting. Everyone is affected by suffering or pain at one point in their life-it may not be physical but everyone goes through tragedy. And when they do, they look up to the sky in a moment of anger and rage and ask the all too familiar question “Why is God allowing this to happen to me?” Or “If God is so good, why does He allow suffering?”

Addressing this topic has not been easy. Books have been written, sermons have been taught, and speeches have been made. But this is what God showed me when I went through a tragedy of my own last month. I was at a low point and my heart was crying out to God. I felt like David in Psalms 69 when he said:  “Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.  I am weary with my crying; my throat is dry; my eyes fail while I wait for my God.” Verse 1-3

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Top 10 Blog Posts of 2014!


Hello there, Beautiful!

It is the start of a new year, new goals, new friends, new days to begin and enjoy. As we look back on the year we have just experienced we are reminded of the times we were made stronger through hard days, the times we smiled and laughed so hard we couldn’t control ourselves, the times we loved deeply, and the times we cried ourselves to sleep. But we look ahead, hopeful and determined.

So here’s to you and your year! We at Young Keepers of the Home love you dearly and have devoted many hours into trying to encourage you in your walk with the Lord and journey in life. We will continue to do this with even more conviction this coming year. So looking back on 2014 we found that you were a big part of our lives! This ministry is blessed to have so many supporters and friends like you. Here is our year in review-thanks to you!

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What Your Dream Guy Wants in a Girl


(Guest Post) 

I recently did an interview on the topic of dating, marriage and courtship. I was giving my thoughts on romance, boundaries, guys and how I want my future relationship to work out.

One of the questions the lady interviewing me asked was “what qualities are you looking for in guy?” 

Talk about a super basic question that I should easily know the answer to. Wrong! I was totally caught off guard and had to scramble to give an answer. It had been awhile since I’d seriously thought through that question and wasn’t really prepared.

After the interview I rethought through her question and was pretty satisfied with my “on the spot” answer.

I told the lady that I was praying for a man who: 

1. Is concerned about glorifying God with his life.

2. Has an eternal mindset (not just living for the here and now.)

3. Loves children and desires a family.

4. Has a passion for ministering to the people around him.

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