New Website Launching!


Listen up ladies! We will be switching this blog/ministry to a new website, under a new name in the next 24 hours! We wanted to let you know ahead of time so you could be in on the action!

Soon “Young Keepers of the Home” will be called “A Lovely Calling”! We are so very excited to share the new website, resources, content and more with you very soon. We will be announcing the launch of the new site through an email campaign and on Facebook. So make sure you are either a fan of Young Keepers of the Home on Facebook or you are subscribed to emails on our Mailchimp: Facebook Page:

Stay tuned in the next 24 hours to this website!!! Thank you for all your love and support. God bless,

Love the whole team,

Lisa, Anna, Sarah & Christy

Can I Really Trust God With My Future?

“If I do things my way I will be happy. I can’t trust God with something like this!”

“God’s ways are too religious for me, I need to make things happen my way or else I won’t be happy.”

“Only I know what I need. My future is my problem. Jesus can just come along with me for when I need help.”

“This is too precious a thing to trust God with.”

All of these statements are made from people who have distrust in their hearts. God’s power and sovereignty is not real to them. They think they know what is best for them-they know what will make them happy, they know how to get it and they do it on their own terms without God. Sometimes, Christian girls (and men) have things in their lives that they are not willing to relinquish even though they know it goes against what God wants for them.

They think God doesn’t want what they want. They don’t know His motives, (no one does) so they don’t trust that He will make them happy.

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How Should We View Being Single?

girl with flowe in her hair

  Just two days ago we celebrated Valentines Day. It’s a great day to show your friends and family how much you love them. But if you are a single girl, it’s a also a day that maybe might have made you feel a little left out or lonely  when you see other couples being sweet to each other. You might be wishing that someone loved you like that and wondering when they were going to come along.

So many people that I know, including my myself, desire to be a wife and mom more than anything else in our lives. We want to fall in love with a godly, handsome, amazing man, get married to him, and raise children. In fact, it’s a really great thing that we want to do that because the Bible says that it is a good thing and something that God naturally created in us to want to do.

But we also have to remember that ultimately it’s going to be up to God when all those things happen. Sometimes He has asked godly women throughout history to be missionaries and never marry. Other times godly women I know have had to wait several years into their adult life before God brought their husband along.  And some are still waiting. While still others have gotten married when they were only 18 or 19 years old or in their early twenties and have gotten to start families right away.

My point though, is that at some point or time in our lives we are all going to be single.

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A Giveaway With a Cause!


Hey! So we are hosting/sharing another fantastic giveaway only this time it’s for an amazing cause.

Have you heard of the term “modern day slavery”? Did you know that there are over 27 million people (children and adults alike) who are trapped in slavery and that every 30 seconds, someone becomes a victim of modern-day slavery. About 80% of those enslaved are victims of sex trafficking.

Men, women, and children are being exploited for manual and sexual labor against their will.

My friend who owns and operates his own apparel company called Citizens Threads, donates $8 of every sale to a new non-profit organization every month. For the month of February, David partnered up with Agape International Mission (or AIM), an organization that is committed to Freedom. Fighting trafficking, restoring victims, and transforming communities that allow or participate in sex trafficking.

Citizens Threads designed a new line of clothes specifically for fighting the sex trafficking movement. (See Images Below!) $8 of every sale will go toward funding AIM and their projects!

Now you get a chance to win a free tee-shirt from Citizens Threads! Enter by clicking on the image below and share the love on Facebook and Twitter. Please support their cause by sharing and let others know about the 27 million slaves.
Win Button

Here are just a couple of the tee-shirt designs you can pick from:


Free Tee-Shirt-support the cause!

       The Feather Tee      Win a Free Tee-Shirt-support the cause!




                                                           Liberté Tee


So, enter to win and share with friends! Spread the word about modern day slavery and please check out AIM and Citizens Threads. Thanks, good luck in the contest and God bless!

-Lisa Hallahan

How Do I Know He’s the ONE?

How Do I Know He's the ONE?

Have you ever wondered what true, lasting love looks and feels like? Maybe you are in a relationship that you think is not “living up to its true potential”. Maybe you need an example of real love to know if this is the guy for you; if he is the one that God has called you to marry.

We know that no one is perfect but don’t let that be your excuse to stay in a relationship with someone who might not be the one for you. Here are just a few ways that you should be able to tell that this man truly, really loves you like Christ loved the church.

I believe everyone has one great love in their life; an unexplainable, undeniable, unrepeatable love that can only fall short of the ONE greatest act of true love that this world will ever witness (Jesus’ sacrifice of His life for yours). The man who captures your heart will know you and will know your soul and he will love every single thing about you.

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